Is it time for a bit of site housekeeping? If your machinery is in a messy state of disarray, it might be time to invest in our NZ wire harness solution services. If you’re not sure whether or not our wire harness solutions are right for you, simply start by asking yourself the following questions: 

  • Are you constantly losing track of your wires? Do you find that you can’t seem to find where they begin or end, or which coloured wire is which? 
  • Are your wires taking up precious floor space? 
  • Are wires becoming a safety hazard on your site – do your workers trip over the wiring, or is the wiring exposed to the elements? 
  • Is it almost impossible to close the maintenance doors of your machinery due to the messy ‘spagettie’ wiring situation? 

If your answer was ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then you need to hear about the benefits of our NZ wire harness solution services ASAP! Here are just a few we’d like to share with you…


Organised workspaces and machinery (finally) 

Loose bundles and braids be gone! Organisation is the goal with our custom wiring solutions. By providing your business with custom wire harnessing services, we’ll organise your wiring in a way that’s both easy to understand and easy to access. You’ll be able to observe, add to and subtract from your wiring layout effortlessly. 

Our New Zealand custom wiring solutions also feature a helpful colour coding system, which promotes a safer and more efficient workspace as your wires become easier to instantly identify. 


More space, both inside and out

Be it in, on or around your machinery, your new NZ custom wire harnessing system (designed by the talented team at BJC) will streamline your system and save plenty of space. Your wires and cables will be neatly collected into space-saving sheaths and sleeves, creating a compact solution we can apply to machinery or work floor wiring. 

If you’re working in a tight space, it’s crucial to invest in a custom NZ wiring design that’s compact and tailored to suit you. We’ll design such a system and source the materials for it at affordable rates that’ll leave you wondering why you didn’t call us sooner! 


For a safer, neater and more efficient workplace, let the BJC team clean up that cable spaghetti situation today