No construction company, automotive repair shop or agriculture business is complete without sturdy, efficient and effective machinery. For these industries to survive, we understand that your machinery ought to be performing at its best and for the longest amount of time. When it comes to keeping your machines happy (and subsequently your business), you’d be surprised by just how important a part the wiring plays in terms of productivity and longevity. 

In today’s article, we’ll explore the benefits of investing in quality New Zealand wire harnessing solutions. Stick around and learn a little more about the wiring that keeps your machinery working! 


What’s ‘under the hood’

Most industrial machines possess complex circuitry and require data and power to be collected, transmitted and exchanged across various points. Just like a well-designed road network in a densely populated city, this special transmission traffic needs to be arranged in a manner that encourages easy movement for the machine and the employees working with it. At the same time, this New Zealand circuit design ought to be constructed with the future in mind, with cabling and cable covers composed of clever, long-lasting fibres. 

Our New Zealand wire harnessing solutions will achieve all of the above and more, offering dust and waterproof cable system designs arranged in a neat, safe and effective circuit. 


Quality New Zealand wire harnessing

The BJC team has delivered top-quality wire harnessing solutions both nationally and internationally for years. Our designs are always in demand. We offer competitive prices on all our components, and provide perfectly tailored solutions for any need or machine. Always up for a challenge, we’ll meet your machine’s needs head-on with intelligent circuit designs and future-proof materials. 

With proper organisation, labelling and circuitry design, your team will also be free to enjoy easier access to your cabling should you need to add or subtract from your system, or access key areas for instant and effortless repairs. 


Let our experts provide your wire harnessing design services in New Zealand

For state-of-the-art wiring assembly solutions, look no further than BJC. Our wire harnessing solutions are constructed with quality materials and meticulous professionalism – built to withstand the elements and needs of any industry.

With 70+ years in the business across Lower Hutt and reaching all the way across the ditch to Perth, you can expect excellent service from BJC. We know you expect top-quality performance in the products we manufacture and service we provide, and we’ll work with you to design and develop your ideas from concept to completion.