If you’re in the business of manufacturing products, you’ll understand better than anyone that your machinery and computer systems are advancing at almost alarming rates. We’ve never experienced such connectivity in the factory… or such complexity. 

As the wiring and infrastructure that we use develop and evolve, so do your customer’s expectations. 


Increase productivity with our NZ wire harnessing solutions 

Many New Zealand companies struggle with the task of increasing productivity to meet the ever-growing requirements and expectations of their customers and clients. Your factory ought to be manufacturing product as quickly, cleanly and efficiently as possible, and nothing promotes such sure and smooth workflow quite as well as our NZ wiring solutions. 

You’ll meet and exceed your client’s expectations with our NZ wire harness designs. We’ll help you to organise, connect and protect your wires and cables to ensure optimum performance. 

With over 70 years in the industry of keeping kiwi machines safely and efficiently connected, we’ve managed loads of complex problems and produces plenty of awesome solutions. If anyone can improve and perfect your NZ wire harness design, it’s the team at BJC. 


The tools to be more competitive 

Increasing the ease of access and speed of machinery at your factory is vital – it ensures that you’re producing as many products as possible, enough to meet your customer’s needs and beat your competitor’s in providing in both the quality and quantity departments. You’ll maximise uptime and meet production deadlines with products produced by well-wired machines, connected by the expert wire harness NZ designers at BJC.


Keep everything running smoothly 

With our safe, secure and well-organised wire harnessing solutions, you’ll find that any fixes and tweaks that your machinery might require in the future are suddenly super-easy and manageable. We provide our clients with a sophisticated wiring system that’s simple to understand and easy to access should you need to maintain your cables and add or subtract to your circuits in the future.